Although we cannot always celebrate Mass together at Church, we can gather on Sundays to pray and celebrate Mass together via the internet. At just before ten o'clock, click within the image above to join Mass.
For an end to spiritual deafness; that we seek solitude and silence to hear Christ teach us and guide us in scripture and in prayer; we pray to the Lord.
For the Church to proclaim the words of Jesus with authority and clarity, and awaken our culture overwhelmed by noise, and deaf to the wisdom of God; we pray to the Lord.
For our parish bazaar to be a place where all are welcomed, and all will find fellowship and fun, and witness our faith; we pray to the Lord.
For all to answer the vocational call for which we were baptized: to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, holy matrimony or blessed singleness, that we live and spread God’s word according to our state in life; we pray to the Lord.
For people of all nations, races, religions, ideologies, languages and classes, to live together in a world without violence and hatred, but with love and concern for all; we pray to the Lord.
May our nation’s citizens and the representatives we elect always strive to make our country reflect more and more the peace and justice of God’s Kingdom; we pray to the Lord.
For all who are sick, injured, weary, and afraid, and for all who are disabled and have special needs; for the miracles of Jesus to give them confidence and hope in His power to heal them, body and soul; we pray to the Lord.
For all who have gone before us, and for Peter LaBelle, Estelle Renda, James Cameron, Joshua Meigs and Richard Uschold, whom we remember at this Mass; for our merciful Lord to grant them pardon and peace; we pray to the Lord.
For all service men and women and their loved ones, for the intentions in our Parish Book of Prayers and on our Prayer Line, and for all those prayers deep within our hearts, that are known to God alone; we pray to the Lord.