Welcome! We are now accepting registrations for the 2022-2023 Religious Education Program
In order to be fully prepared for your child, we are asking parents to register your children by Oct 3th, 2022.
Registration forms may be picked up or downloaded (see the Documents section to the left), completed and left for us on the table outside the Religious Ed. Office in the Parish Family Center. Each form is numbered as it comes in. In order for us to comply with CDC health guidelines space is limited, therefore your registration will be processed based on a first come, first served assignment.
For classes offered via in-person instruction,please click hereto view the classroom health protocols that will be followed.
For any questions, please contact the Religious Education Office at (978) 342-2978, ext. 109, or by email at [email protected]
Provides formal religious education classes for children in Grade 1 through Grade 11, throughout the school year.
The religious education program is meant to support parents in their most important role as the primary religious educators of their children, and to support and form those who come forward for catechetical ministry. Parents are urged to consider volunteering in our program as a catechist, aide or other support role. Volunteer catechists form community, share faith, assist in sacramental preparation, and witness to continuing Catholic Christian formation as a lifelong process.
Through classroom participation, participation in liturgy and worship, and through faith sharing of children and catechists, our goal is to:
Proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ
Build a community of believers of all ages
Form lives rooted in prayer
Foster a spirit of love in service to The Lord and one another
The maximum class size for 2022-2023 is 14 in 30 x 60 open classrooms.
For any questions, please contact the Religious Education Office at (978) 342-2978, ext. 109, or by email at [email protected]
The content of the program flows from each Sunday’s Gospel, and students learn their faith within the rhythms and seasons of the liturgical year. Accompanying Website for parental support and involvement.
Your child’s time with us will be filled with religious instruction based in scripture and tradition utilizing models of prayer, worship music, games. In a space that nurtures sharing of faith and personal encounters with Christ.
In addition to the sessions, Grade level Masses, Presentation of the Nativity and Retreats are part of your child's faith formation.
For any questions, please contact the Religious Education Office at (978) 342-2978, ext. 109, or by email at [email protected]
Catholic Connections - Saint Mary's Press Fostering the faith of young adolescents involves helping them to make connections between the Catholic faith and everyday life. It also means helping young people to strengthen their connection to the faithcommunity. Catholic Connections aims to strengthen each participant's Catholic identity and inspire them to participate more fully in the Church's mission.
Using an active, hands-on approach to religious education, Catholic Connections is a comprehensive parish religious education program for sixth, seventh, and eighth graders.
In addition to the sessions, Grade level Masses, Christian Service and Retreats are part of your child's faith formation.
Within our formal religious education program students in grade 2 prepare to receive their sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Included in the preparation process are two parent meetings, two parent/child meetings and two parent/child retreats. Parents are expected to take an active role in the process to help enable their child to appreciate and celebrate the sacraments as lifelong gifts.
Confirmation Preparation
After completing High School, I and High School II sessions, students enroll in a 9-session immediate prep program which culminates with the celebration of Confirmation in the Spring.
This process is steeped in Scripture intended to be an increased introspection and coming closer to God. The aim of this period is to affirm what is Holy. To inspire in the candidate a desire; to live life as a disciple of Jesus celebrated in the life of his Church.
In addition to scheduled class times, preparation includes Sponsor/Candidate Retreat, Rite of Enrollment/Light of Christ Ceremony and required 10 hours of Christian Service. Parent/student meetings.
For any questions, please contact the Religious Education Office at (978) 342-2978, ext. 109, or by email at [email protected]
Sunday evenings 4:45 to 7:00 pm Active participation in the 6:00 pmMass is part of student’s faith formation. We welcome and encourage family attendance as well.
Catholic Essentials: An Overview of the Faith. Intended to help Catholic Youth of High School age to come to a greater knowledge of Jesus. Discovering more about Christ and the "Good News" he preached takes part in the life of the church, where Jesus remains present to this day. Envisioned To help youth grow in knowledge of Jesus while providing them with questions, answers and inspiration to take their part in Christ's Church and share the Gospel with others.
In addition to the sessions, required 10 Hours of Christian Service and retreats are part of your child's faith formation.
For any questions, please contact the Religious Education Office at (978) 342-2978, ext. 109, or by email at [email protected]
We have classes available on all grade levels for children who have had little or no formal religious education, who would like to get “caught up.” For baptized children this formation prepares the child for reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. If you’d like more information, we’d be happy to answer any questions you might have. Now is the time to be welcomed!
For any questions, please contact the Religious Education Office at (978) 342-2978, ext. 109, or by email at [email protected]
RICA Ages 8 -17
This form of the rite of Christian initiation is intended for children, not baptized as infants, who have attained the use of reason and are of catechetical age. They seek Christian initiation either at the direction of their parents or guardians or, with parental permission, on their own initiative. Such children are capable of receiving and nurturing a personal faith and of recognizing an obligation in conscience. But they cannot yet be treated as adults because, at this stage of their lives, they are dependent on their parents or guardians and are still strongly influenced by their companions and their social surroundings.
For any questions, please contact the Religious Education Office at (978) 342-2978, ext. 109, or by email at [email protected]
Our program welcomes children with special needs. We do our best to welcome each child into a typical classroom whenever possible. When a typical classroom is not able to meet the needs of a child, accommodations are made to help nurture the child’s faith in an alternate setting.
For any questions, please contact the Religious Education Office at (978) 342-2978, ext. 109, or by email at [email protected]