Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM & 6:00PM
Daily Liturgy
Monday - Wednesday: 8:00 AM Mass
Liturgy at Our Lady of the Lake
No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church, No matter what your current family or marital situation, No matter what your personal history, age, background, race, No matter what your own self-image: You are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved & respected here at Our Lady of the Lake.
Each week, we celebrate Sunday Masses, daily Masses and regular opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. At other times throughout the year, the parish will celebrate communal rites for Eucharist & Confirmation Enrollment, Catechumen/Candidate Welcome, Healing, Reconciliation, Evening Prayer, and celebrations of sacraments such as First Communion and Confirmation. Of course, Feast days, funerals, memorial Masses, baptisms and weddings are celebrated throughout the year as well.
10:30 AM Sunday
This Mass includes contemporary liturgical music. Many of those who attend are families with children and youth, all are welcome.
During this celebration, children ages 5 and up are invited for The Liturgy of the Word for Children. Childcare is provided during the liturgy for children ages 1-6 years of age.
After the Mass, September through May, all are invited to come to the Church Hall each week for Coffee Shop: coffee, donuts and continued fellowship. This is a great place to meet other parishioners and new members.
Special Liturgies
Youth Masses
A special liturgy for young people (grades 7-12) is held at 10:30 AM, once per month during the school year. Youth are involved as lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and musicians. The Teen Music Ministry provides the music for this liturgy.
Grade Level Masses
Masses for grades 1-8 are celebrated throughout the year. The children are involved in the liturgies in a number of ways. The Choir of Angels (children's choir) provides music for this Mass.
Communion Reunion
Those that have come to the Lord’s table for the first time during the past year are invited to reunite and together celebrate the gift of the Eucharist. This Sunday liturgy is celebrated during the 9:45 AM Mass in the fall of each year.
Baptismal Reunion
Celebrated after the first of each year. This special liturgy celebrates the gift of our newest family members. All those who were welcomed into the Christian Community of Our Lady of the Lake through the Sacrament of Baptism during the previous year are invited.
Teaching Mass
As part of our Grade 8 Religious Education Curriculum, a Teaching Mass is celebrated in December during Monday evening class time. All are welcome to join us for this teaching Mass, to deepen our understanding of how we can participate more fully in the celebration of Eucharist.
Mass of Remembrance
The first Sunday of November, families are invited to a Mass of Remembrance in celebration and thanksgiving for the life and love of those whose family members have passed away during the year.
Celebrations of Enrollment & Welcome
For those preparing for the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation, special liturgies are celebrated to signify the Church’s acceptance of those journeying toward initiation.
Baccalaureate Mass
Each year around the time of graduation, Our Lady of the Lake family celebrates and honors graduates. This Mass is a special way of giving thanks and asking for God’s blessing for our young people in their academic achievement.
Please join us!
For more information contact Mary Jean Wood at (978) 582-1035 or [email protected]