Although we cannot always celebrate Mass together at Church, we can gather on Sundays to pray and celebrate Mass together via the internet. At just before ten o'clock, click within the image above to join Mass.
For a new evangelization; for credible Christians to bear witness to the Gospel with their words and their deeds, to draw others to Christ and build the Kingdom of God; we pray to the Lord.
For all priests, Apostles of Christ, to be renewed in their mission: to live simply, teach humbly, and preach of the need to repent and believe; we pray to the Lord.
For more vocations of all kinds: to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, holy matrimony, and the blessed single life; may all of God’s people discern and respond to His call to love and serve according to His will; we pray to the Lord.
For an end to hatred, resentment, destruction, and distrust, and malevolence of all kinds between all people; may the reign of the Prince of Peace descend on all affected by violence and war; we pray to the Lord.
For our country: may we elect representatives who make decisions which promote the Godly and constitutional values upon which it was founded, to ensure true peace, justice, and the common good; we pray to the Lord.
For an end to abortion and physician-assisted suicide, and all assaults against life; for all Christians and people of goodwill to end the silence and indifference that enables the culture of death; we pray to the Lord.
For all who are sick, injured, weary, and afraid, and for all who care for them; for our powerful Lord to drive out the demons of disease and despair; we pray to the Lord.
For all who have gone before us, and for Carolyn & Jeffrey Gelinas, Aimee Perkins, Glorinda Beers, Michael Gaudet and Marie Tresider, whom we remember at this Mass; for our merciful Lord to grant them life everlasting; we pray to the Lord.
For all service men and women and their loved ones, for the intentions in our Parish Book of Prayers and on our Prayer Line, and for all those prayers deep within our hearts, that are known to God alone; we pray to the Lord.