The HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP is a gathering of young parishioners and their friends, grades 9-12, who participate together in activities such as meetings, dances, fundraisers, trips, charitable projects, informal get-togethers and religious experiences.
The HSYG generally holds a meeting once a month on Fridays from 6:30 to 9pm (see the complete schedule below or
click to download the Schedule flyer). This year we will follow a new meeting format. For example, we expect a typical night to consist of a half hour intro, followed by 2 hours of fun & fellowship:
First Half Hour:
Opening – Music, prayer & icebreaker game
Faith Time – A short talk by ministry or community guest, teen or team member with a small group discussion or questions to follow
Remaining 2 hours:
Food, Games, Movies, Music, Service Activities, Social Time & More!
Center Stage Activities may include: Minute to Win It, Whose Line Is It Anyway, Let’s Make a Deal & more!
Side Stage Activities may include: Xbox 360, movies, board games, karaoke & more!
Here's the complete 2015-16 Schedule. Please note that there are special days for September and October because of football season:
The HSYG also plans and executes service activities. Here are the service activities currently planned for this coming wintertime:
High School Youth Group Service Activities
October 31st/November 1st
Winter Coat Drive
November 22nd & 23rd
Winter Coat Set-up & Distribution
December 5th & 6th
Poinsettia Sale
10% tithed to Food Pantry
Also, at each HSYG Night, we will hold a Food Drive -- please bring non-perishable food items each month. Plus each month, additional service opportunities will be offered, such as serving at shelters or soup kitchens, serving breakfast at Parish coffee hour & more.
Bring your ideas to help make our Youth Group BETTER! Bring your friends to help our Youth Group GROW! Teens from ALL Parishes & Faiths are WELCOME!
To keep up on all the latest happenings and events and to get weekly prayer suggestions,
join our
private Facebook group by clicking on the icon below.
For more info contact Rob Carlin at [email protected],
or complete and submit the form below.